[Python] Pythonic, Pythoneer, Pythonist, Pythonista ?!

First of all,

If you have coded in Python, you must know these terms: PYTHONIC, PYTHONIST, PYTHONEER and PYTHONISTA... So what is the meaning of those terms ?!
Pythonic simply means something like "idiomatic Python".
Pythoneer and Pythonista - of course - are people who love Python. For me, Pythonista are programmers who are real loyal fans of Python-the-language. Pythoneer - in my view - are the ones that always think and create new things using Python, they seems to be the ones who are likely the leaders talking about Python programming and stuffs... Well, that's just my own opinion.

But that's not the main content of this blog entry. If this is the first time you've coded in Python and you want to learn more about this language, I think you should read those 2 articles below. Those articles are about the style of coding of PYTHONISTAs and the meaning of PYTHONIC. When I first learnt Python, I was so glad that I had read those articles:

Know more about the meaning of Pythonic:

English version for "Code like a Pythonista: Idiomatic Python": http://python.net/~goodger/projects/pycon/2007/idiomatic/handout.html

(For my dear Vietnamese friends, there is a VNese version too)

Give thanks to those articles' author/blogger. I love those articles !
Enjoy your time reading, everyone !

26 nhận xét:

  1. Nặc danh05:01

    im learning py using py v2.7, but when i run the same code on v3. i got errors.Do u have any docs about the difference between those 2 ?
    Thank you

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    Trả lời
    1. There is a program called 2to3 it is usually included in linux or when you install Python3. Easiest way to migrate python 2 to 3 (says on the name)

  2. There are huge differences between v2. and v3. I think u should read the ref on the home page, it's da best way. If still have trouble, contact me.
    Anw, in my blog, I still use py v2. Therefore, u will have some small troubles running those codes.
    Have fun.

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