[Google] Have some fun in searching information !

Well, the first website that I've browsed in the very very first time I surfed the Internet is GOOGLE.

We all know Google is a "big name" ! The truth is - in the past - I'm not a huge fan of Google, cause I thought Google was just a machine for searching information. But now, I must say that Google's got my heart. Those guys in Google know how to satisfy customers. They bring to us more services, more stuffs which are really "friendly" to users (I mean user can use these stuffs easily) :))

But I'm not gonna give you an entry talking about the way Google's developed (You guys can use google to search this info ( lol ))

I just want to share some fun when I use google. Just click the link below and have fun in some seconds :)

  • Gravity: http://mrdoob.com/projects/chromeexperiments/google_gravity/
  • Go to Google search, type: "do a barrel roll" ....enter and wait :))
  • Searching "recursion" and you will find out that google will ask you for more about recursion recursively 
  • Searching "ascii art" and see the logo of Google in ascii art
  • You can have a flight in your own plane around the world, with Flight Simulator in Google Earth ! Trust me, this is really fun.
  • More stuffs....
These are some fun I've got. Nice weekend, everyone !

18 nhận xét:

  1. The word “gimmick” can be thrown around to describe a major element of a film that changes up the ordinary tropes we’d expect from a rather straightforward flick. There is 3D, timeline splicing, animation, found footage, you name it. Some films almost even fall into these places as a genre. When they do, you get the inkling that the people responsible for thinking up the movie likely have these elements in mind at the forefront with the story as an afterthought. > Reviews Searching Only when that occurs do I call those elements gimmicky. And it’s not that a gimmick is a bad thing, but if that is what you rely on to make your story compelling, it will often become a crutch for poor storytelling or one-and-done enjoyment. Sometimes it is done right, in which case the gimmick works… but most of the time it has that negative connotation for good reason.

    See More:
    > zmovies
    > losmovies
    > fantastic beasts megashare9

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